-Cleaning Tips -Gold and Copper Tips

There are a few different ways to clean your glass pipe. This depends on how dirty it is and what kind of additional materials it may have attached.

  • For pieces made entirely of glass, no metals - (A - the cheapest method) Boil. Use a disposable solo cup or dedicated cup. Add your piece, fill with room temperature water. Microwave 1 minute at a time, allow to cool for a minute. Repeat two or three times. Carefully take it out, and rinse with warm water. The cup will get resin on it, which is why I recommend something disposable.

  • (B - the easiest but costly method) soak in rubbing alcohol for an hour or so then rinse with warm water.

  • If your piece has copper, gold or some other metal attached - I suggest rinsing the inside with rubbing alcohol. Plug the mouth hole with a finger, pour a couple table spoons of rubbing alcohol into the bowl, plug the bowl hole and carb with fingers on your other hand, and shake for a minute or two. Or get a q tip, pipe cleaner, or straw cleaning brush: dip it in alcohol and gently brush the inside of the piece. Rinse with warm water.

  • Water, alcohol and wear can change the color of your copper. This is just a natural effect of the metal itself and somewhat unavoidable.

  • Gold luster can be very fragile. It’s a thin layer of gold, which is a soft metal. Rough scrubbing or soaking in alcohol can damage or remove the gold layer. Avoid touching it or washing it as much as possible.

  • Clean your pieces before they are clogged or filled with chunks of resin and you will have a much easier time.

  • When rinsing your glass in the sink I suggest layering the bottom with paper towels or a dedicated bath towel. If you drop your piece, it may save its life. It will also catch resin and avoiding clogging your drain.

  • If you boil your glass or soak in alcohol, you can let the container full of resin liquid evaporate and reuse the resin if you like. This is better for your glass than scraping.

  • If you have a piece with brushed copper or the finish on your copper has worn off and your piece has discolored… use a wire brush and shine that copper up. They are $1 at harbor freight. Carful not to poke your fingers, wearing work gloves is recommended.


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